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Chocolate Letter - Chocolade Letter From Holland (Milk or Dark) (PURE - A)
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Chocolate Letter - Chocolade Letter From Holland (Milk or Dark) (PURE - A)

Product ID: 318964355
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At many Dutch Sinterklaas Eve parties, the very last surprise in Sinterklaas' special burlap sack, is chocolate initials, the first letter of each person's name. There will be one for each person—the first given to the youngest child, then on up to the oldest person present. These letters, melk (milk), or puur (dark) chocolate, are popular throughout the Sinterklaas season. The tasty treats may be found in shoes, left by Sinterklaas as he makes his rounds checking on children. Employers may give an S for Sint, to employees. These letters also make special little Sinterklaas remembrances, promotional gifts, or may be simply purchased to enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea.

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