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Leowefowa 10x8ft Resurrection of Jesus Backdrop Easter Sunrise Holy Light Empty Tomb Remote Peak Three Crosses Background for Photo Bible Story Church Mural Sanctuary Decor Christianity Wallpeper
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Leowefowa 10x8ft Resurrection of Jesus Backdrop Easter Sunrise Holy Light Empty Tomb Remote Peak Three Crosses Background for Photo Bible Story Church Mural Sanctuary Decor Christianity Wallpeper

Product ID: 422489523
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Features:Using a series of high-tech digital production equipment carefully made digital pictures inkjet pictures. Different lighting will have different shooting effect, you can try to adjust the lights to make your photos better. According to rule of post office, all backdrops will send by folded, So there may be some creases. Here are ways to solve it.(A)Roll it up tightly with a cylinder for 3-4 days, it will be ok.(B)Iron the back surface at a low heat by putting a dry cloth between them, then it will be smooth again. (C)Hang up the product. Hang some items under it. Keep it in a tight status for 3-4 days.How Customize ?We supply background with the same picture in other size, such as 5x3ft ,3x5ft, 4x5ft, 6x6ft, 3x5ft, 6x9ft, 8x10ft, 10x10ft, 8x12ft, 10x12ft 10x20ft etc.1. You can tell the size that you need by email or message, then we can print the right size for you.2. If you want your favorite images and sizes, just give us your images and sizes, then we can make for you. It is Free.Package Include:1 x Photography Backdrop(Folding)Clips or Stand for Photography (not include)Please understand that every computer screen is different, therefore,colors may vary slightly.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago