Ozark Trail Fender Lines, White, " x 5', 2 Pack
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Ozark Trail Fender Lines, White, " x 5', 2 Pack

Product ID: 460082156
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Use Ozark Trail Fender Lines on your next boat expedition. This pair of 1/4-inch by five-foot double-braid nylon fender lines have great strength and shock-load resistance. With a spliced loop on one end, you can attach these fenders to your boat or dock without creating hard-to-untie knots. They're resistant to saltwater, gas, oil, acids, abrasion, mildew, and resist UV better than all other synthetics. Plus, they'll stay soft and pliable despite regular use and can be used for both twin-eye and center-hole fender applications. Keep boating life simple and fun with the Ozark Trail Fender Lines.Adventure is where memories are made, whether it's campouts in the back yard with the kids, Saturdays at the river with friends, or a week in the wilderness alone. Ozark Trail helps you and your family create everyday adventures with gear and accessories built with you in mind. From backpacks to tents, they're rugged, dependable, and priced to be practical. Because adventure is not a destination; it's a lifestyle. Ozark Trail Fender Lines, White, ¼" x 5', 2 Pack: Premium nylon rope Great strength and durability Works in both fresh and salt water Available in 3 color options: White, Blue, and Black Maximum working load of 144 lbs Spliced end Intended for temporary use in calm conditions, not for overnight or unattended docking Dependable and priced to be practical   

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