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National Geographic STEM Series Build Your Own Volcano Science Kit for Kids
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National Geographic STEM Series Build Your Own Volcano Science Kit for Kids

Product ID: 460442795
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With the National Geographic STEM Series Build Your Own Volcano Kit you’ll cast your volcano (plaster and mold included), paint it (paint and brush provided), and then make it erupt (includes eruption powder)! This is a great family activity and with an improved mold, better brush, and more realistic paint colors, it’s easier than ever to make a phenomenal volcano! Learn about tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcano formation, and volcanic rocks. The included learning guide provides many interesting facts and is designed to promote a love of geology and science. This volcano eruption kit includes plaster, volcano mold, paints and paintbrush, eruption powder, two volcanic rock specimens (geode and pumice), and our learning guide. National Geographic Toys makes the highest quality hands-on science toys, and all products are backed by exceptional service. The National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. COMPLETE VOLCANO KIT – Comes with everything you need to build a volcano, paint it, and make it erupt! The improved mold, brush, and paints make it easier than ever to create a show-stopping volcano. MAKING SCIENCE FUN – A great hands-on experiment for any science fair with multiple volcano experiments to try. The mold is easy to assemble and creates a sturdy, reusable volcano form. Plus, more realistic paint colors allow you to give the volcano a lifelike look! REAL VOLCANIC ROCKS – Includes a pumice and a geode specimen. The full-color learning guide teaches about each rock and provides a wealth of educational information on volcano science. A STEM CLASSIC – This STEM kit teaches geology and Earth science in an unforgettable way. It’s a proven homeschool lesson your child will love, and the clear, step-by-step instructions are easy to follow. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED – The National Geographic STEM series provides kids high-quality educational toys that are a whole lot of fun! If your experience is anything less than extraordinary, let us know so we can make it right for you.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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