You Choose: Prehistoric Survival: You Choose Prehistoric Survival : Could You Survive in Prehistoric Times? (Paperback)
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You Choose: Prehistoric Survival: You Choose Prehistoric Survival : Could You Survive in Prehistoric Times? (Paperback)

Product ID: 483405061
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What would happen if you went back in time? Imagine stepping into the Stone Age and meeting some Neanderthals. Would it be a peaceful encounter or a Stone-Age smackdown? What if you went back to when dinosaurs roamed? Would you be a tasty snack for a T-Rex or the first human to tame fire? Remember, in a time before recorded history, just about everything could kill you. You Choose Books offer an exciting, immersive nonfiction learning experience where the reader chooses which path to take through the story. Along the way, readers learn about real time periods in a fun, interactive adventure. • Author: Eric Braun • ISBN:9781496697257 • Format:Paperback • Publication Date:2021-01-01

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